Why Crate Training is Important: A Comprehensive Guide

Crate training is the process of getting your dog used to being in a confined space, typically a crate or a kennel. This technique not only serves as a beneficial tool for owners but can also provide a safe haven for dogs, giving them a sense of security. The key is to build up your dog's tolerance and trust so that they can comfortably stay in the crate for extended periods of time. In this article, let's explore all the benefits that crate training can bring to you and your dog.

Crate training benefits

There are many benefits of crate training. Beyond establishing a safe space for your pup, it can benefit potty training, bolster good behaviors, aid in traveling, and alleviates many concerns for dog owners.Why Crate Training is Important

The dog's crate: a safe space to call home

Dogs naturally tend to seek out small, enclosed spaces for shelters. They like places where they can feel contained, and comfortable to relax and sleep. That's why you'll often find your dog under the bed, table, or couch.

Small spaces are great for dogs if there is chaos in the house, or when the dog is feeling stressed from loud noises such as thunderstorms or fireworks. Hiding in a small space will give the dog the serenity they need to separate themselves from the stress and calm down.

This is the reason why a kennel is an excellent option for dogs. A crate creates the perfect sanctuary for your dog to return to whenever they need to wind down or retreat for safety. It's their home within your home. Having a space of their own is crucial for your dog to feel enjoyable and secure.

A crate trained dog is a well-behaved dog

Why Crate Training is Important

House training is essential to ensure a harmonious life with your pup. A crate offers a fantastic means to house train your pup. Once they have established their shelter in the crate, your dog will respect their own home and will try to keep it clean by not urinating in it. Keep in mind that peeing in the crate does sometimes happen: when your dog is still early in the potty training process, or when you leave your dog in the crate for extended periods of time. All in all, a crate can offer tremendous assistance in potty training your dog effectively.

Furthermore, by crating your dog, you can teach them about boundaries. Your dog will learn to respect the rest of the home, as they are only allowed to certain areas of the house. When adopting a new dog, a crate will be of great help in enforcing house rules. Your dog will quickly grasp the distinction between their place and yours, and know where it's okay for them to go.

Crates ensure your dog's safety when traveling

The importance of crate training

A kennel is a great tool when it comes to transporting your dog to different places. Crates keep your dog safe during car, train, or airplane rides.

Traveling in itself is no easy job, traveling with a pet requires even more effort and attention on your part. Having a dog's crate or carrier is a convenient way to contain your dog and ensure they don't slip away, especially when going to an unfamiliar place such as the vet office, or the groomer.

Crates help you prepare for emergency situations

Similar to traveling, a crate comes in handy in case of emergency, when you have to quickly grab and evacuate your pup. Crating also makes locating your pup easier, especially in case of a fire. This is because your dog is more likely to panic and run away when they face danger or trouble. On top of that, a kennel eliminates the risk of your dog attacking emergency responders out of fear.

Peace of mind for you

Why Crate Training is Important

This is one of the most valuable crate training benefits! If you have a high-flight-risk dog, a crate is an excellent way to keep your dog from running away and countless issues that could result from that. A dog's crate ensures your dog stays where they are supposed to stay, and prevents them from roaming around the house at night when you sleep, or when you need quiet time.

Additionally, a crate can assist in preventing destructive behaviors. In the case that your dog frequently chews or gnaws on furniture, you can simply put them in a crate when you are away. This will save you the stress of having to constantly worry about them damaging your home.

Crate training caution

Why Crate Training is Important


Although fostering good behaviors is one of many crate training benefits, you should not use the crate as a tool for punishing your pup. This is the mistake that some dog owners make during dog training.

Your dog should love their crate and always perceive it as their safe place. Disciplining your dog by crating them may cause resentment towards the crate, which undermines the purpose of crate training.

Time in the crate

Be careful not to leave your dog in the crate for too long. If you have a puppy, limit crate time to 30 to 60 minutes, then slowly work your way up to longer periods. Young puppies are not able to hold their bladder as well as adult dogs and are more likely to have accidents. Thus, they'll require more frequent potty breaks.

As your dog gets additional training, you can start leaving them in the crate for a few hours until they can comfortably stay overnight in the crate. Make sure they get potty breaks and enough exercise to stretch their legs and interact with others.

Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety may lead to dogs doing their business in the crate. Many dogs are so used to their parent's presence at all times, they start reacting the moment their owner is out of sight, such as urinating in their kennel. Worse yet, some will try escaping and could end up injuring themselves in the process.

If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, consider using a crate that is escape-proof. Additionally, counterconditioning and desensitization can be incorporated into their daily training to gradually get your dog accustomed to being by themselves, thus reducing their anxiety over time.

Crate training your dog can be a complex process, particularly when your dog gets anxious easily. Consider speaking to a behaviorist who can help you come up with a plan that is suitable to your dog's situation.

Crate train your dog - some quick tips

Benefits of crate training


    • Start early: Crate training a puppy is extremely important, and starting at a young age can make all the difference in the crate training process. Be sure to use positive reinforcement when crate training a puppy.

    • Stay firm against whining: In the beginning, your dog may start crying or barking when you leave them in the crate. Try not to let them out since this will only encourage the same behavior in the future. Ignore the whining if you can, and wait for your dog to stop after a few minutes. If the crying pesters, it might mean that your dog needs a potty break. In that case, take them out quickly before bringing them back inside the crate.

    • Pay attention to crate size: Make sure the crate is not too small or too large for your dog. A crate that is too small can cause discomfort for your dog if they are kept in the crate for long durations. A crate that is too large may incentivize your pup to make messes since there's extra space in the crate, your dog could pee in a corner and lay in the opposite corner. Pick a crate where your dog can comfortably stand inside.

    • Keep each training session brief: Take it slow to prevent overwhelming your dog. Gradually increase crate time to longer periods.

    • Leave the crate door open: When you're not training your dog, keep the crate door open. This will give your dog the freedom to go back into the crate when they want to rest or sleep.

Crate alternatives

Not a fan of using a crate? Look into an exercise pen or a playpen. These are excellent options if your dog consistently shows discomfort in the crate.

Another viable option is a dog gate. This will allow you to section off a room or area where you can contain your dog and keep them from running around the house.

If you're committed to crate training your dog but struggle with time, think about getting a dog walker or dog sitter. They can help provide the necessary training help when your schedule is demanding.


Crate training offers a multitude of invaluable benefits for both dogs and their owners. Not only an effective way to potty train your pup, but it also helps your dog build trust and security in their own safe space, making the journey of pet ownership a more delightful experience.