Best Place for a Dog Crate

Finding the ideal location for your dog's crate can greatly influence your furry friend's comfort and safety. In this article, we explore the best places to position a dog crate in your home, taking into consideration factors such as training, noise levels, temperature, and access to family activities. Discover practical tips to find a spot that suits both you and your canine companion whether you live in a house or an apartment.

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Where to put a dog crate in the house?

The best place for a dog crate in the house depends greatly on how quiet or busy the area is, and whether you're crate training your pup. Let's dive into each option to see which location fits your pup's needs the most.

Where to put a dog crate


The bedroom is the perfect place for young puppies or new dogs. First and foremost, it's a quiet room, which enables your dog to grow accustomed and comfortable to their new environment. This will also permit you to easily hear your dog from the crate at night when they need a potty break. Hence, you quickly can take them out without disturbing other family members or dogs.

Staying in the bedroom will also give your new puppy the feeling of being closer to you, enhancing their sense of security. If your pup experiences separation anxiety, placing the dog crate in your bedroom can help prevent them from crying and whining during the night.

If you live in an apartment, your dog can sometimes get rattled by noises coming from the outside such as slamming doors or talking people. The bedroom will be an excellent choice for a dog's crate since the crate will be positioned away from the front door, thus greatly reducing the noise level.

Living room

Where to put dog crate in house

The living room is a place where you and your family members likely spend the most time. Therefore, it would make a central location for your pup's crate since it allows your dog to interact with everyone seamlessly.

You can station your dog's crate next to the couch so your dog can nest in their crate while you sit nearby. Another great spot is next to the TV stand, your dog will be able to see you while resting in their crate.

You may also put the crate in a quiet corner, or a place next to a wall in your family room. Just make sure that this spot is not immediately under a window. This will prevent excessive direct sunlight in the summer months from irritating your dog. Avoid air vents as well since direct heat could make your dog uncomfortable. Keep the crate door open so your furry friend can freely leave the crate when they want.

If you don't like the look of a wire and mesh dog crate, consider crate furniture, which offers a functional and sophisticated alternative. This will help to maintain a refined aesthetic in your living room.

In the case that you have an energetic pup, the living room is a perfect location to place a dog crate, as they will be able to socialize with your family. However, it may not be the best option for anxious dogs or adult dogs that prefer quieter spaces.


Dog in hallway

Once your dog starts growing out of puppyhood, you may want to transition their crate further from the bedroom to establish more independence. For that purpose, the hallway offers a great solution.

Ideally, you'd want to place your dog's crate in the hallway right outside of your bedroom. This will allow you to hear your pup if they start crying at night. It will also help tame your dog's separation anxiety since they know you're not very far away.

One drawback is that hallways may be more suitable for smaller crates, such as a puppy's crate, since they tend to be a smaller space. Some hallways may lack direct sunlight, which is less than ideal considering that natural sunlight can significantly benefit your dog's health. As a result, we recommend only using the hallway for a brief transition period, or as a temporary location when you rearrange the dog crate around the house for training purposes.


Best location for dog crate

The bathroom is not a bad idea when you want to crate-train your dog, and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, dogs prefer enclosed spaces. The bathroom is usually a smaller space than other rooms within your house, which offers the perfect environment to make your dog feel safe.

Additionally, your dog is likely going to have potty accidents at the start of crate training, as they are still learning to control their bladder. A tiled floor makes cleaning up messes much easier for dog owners.

Lastly, it's important to create a sense of security for your dog when you're crate training them. The bathroom, being an area with less foot traffic than the living room or hallway, can provide that feeling of a tranquil and safe space that your dog needs.


Where to put a dog crate

This may not be a first choice for many dog owners, but the kitchen makes a pretty good dog crate location. Not only will it enable your dog to be close to your family, but the kitchen, when equipped with a tiled floor, also aids in the potty accident cleanup process.

You can put a dog crate either in a corner or at a spot next to the cabinet. If you have an open space type home, your dog can see you when you're cooking in the kitchen, eating at the dining table, or sitting in the living room. This guarantees that they are not missing out on any fun family activities, fostering positive association with every member of your family.

Being a busy area, the kitchen may not be suitable for nervous dogs. Heat emitting from the stove or oven could also potentially cause your dog to overheat. Finally, your dog may get overly excited from the smell of your cooking.

Laundry room

As a low-traffic area, the laundry room is a convenient location to store your dog's crate. If you have a reactive dog, this is an optimal choice since it can block out a good amount of stimuli, keeping your dog calmer in the crate.

Similar to the bathroom and the kitchen, the laundry room most likely will have a tiled floor, which is perfect for crate training exercises.

The two downside of this location is the lack of sunlight and the noise from the washer and dryer. Thus you may need to move your dog's crate to another room when doing laundry to refrain from startling your pup.

Office or spare bedroom

You may use any spare room in your home to set up your dog's crate. This type of room is perfect for older dogs that are used to being by themselves in a secluded space. Steer clear from this option if you have a young puppy, as it will be difficult to hear when your puppy whines.

How does crate training impact the location of a dog crate?

Dog crate

It's best to avoid a high-traffic area when you're crate-training your dog. This is because your dog needs to learn to be alone in their own space. Having family members constantly walking by, talking, and making noises around the crate will not only hinder this process but also overstimulate your dog, especially if it's a new puppy.

To achieve the best results, put your dog's crate in quieter places such as the bedroom or bathroom. Once your furry friend is fully crate trained, you may move your dog's crate to busier areas of the home such as the living room or kitchen.

Why is the placement of your dog's crate important?

The crate is where your dog spends the majority of their time. As a pet parent, you should strive to make this a secure place so your pup can cozily sleep and rest.

Keep in mind that each dog is different, and there's no hard and fast rule when it comes to the ideal location for a dog crate. You must take into account your dog's age, energy, and social level when deciding where to best keep the crate.

There might not be a single spot that both you and your dog align on. In that case, you may want to set up multiple dog crates around the house to ensure they can pleasantly rest wherever they want. Personally, I keep two crates in my house, one in the bedroom when my pup Linkin needs quiet time, and the other one in the living room when he feels like socializing with others. It may sound excessive, but the more he can rest, the more time I can get back for myself, a win-win for both of us.

Crating tips

    • Place a snuggly dog bed in the crate so your dog can relax and sleep on it.

    • Provide your pup with interactive toys or puzzle toys to keep them occupied while in the crate.

    • Some dogs prefer a dark place. Crate covers are perfect for this, don't hesitate to use them!

    • Crate size matters - make sure your dog can sit, stand, and turn around easily in their crate.

    • For anxious dogs with destructive behaviors, consider getting a heavy-duty crate that can withstand chewing and biting.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, identifying the optimal spot for your dog's crate is paramount in promoting their comfort and security. By considering factors such as noise, temperature, and family interaction, you can find a place that meets your dog’s needs impeccably. Keep your furry friend happy and healthy by choosing the best location for their crate in your home. Remember, a well-placed crate can be a sanctuary for your pet, offering a safe haven that is truly their own.